Wednesday, April 22, 2009

100th Post?

Whenever I read somone's blog on their 100th's post, They would surely write about how long it has been since they started writing and how things started in the first place and how things are going..

But for my 100th post, I'm not going to talk about the past and how this blog came to life. Instead this post will be about..


Ooo...sounds as if I'm a palm reader or something. But I'm not. XP

After the approach on future courses and career, I've been weighing myself lately. How would I face the future when the courses I take comes to life. How would I handle situations when the worst and least expected happens. Can I this, can I that. How this, how that.

It fills me so much with uncertainty and I dare say, fear, to know that life isn't what I thought it would be when I was younger. What will come next. What will happen in future. How will I see myself in 10 years, 20 years. How things will be. How things are going to change. How I am going to adapt to it.

I suppose it's time to think. There's no more "Oops, my bad. Let me try again." and repeat the same thing without any problems. Now there's only, "Wrong? Move forward. Learn not to do the same again." How things have changed. How time has ticked.

And not forgetting, how people have changed. =)

If we don't appreciate now, we'll never get to appreciate anymore.

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