Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lessons in Life (Part 5)

This is the last part of the mail I received. Despite the stories being simple, all of them came with meaningful messages and thoughts. Following this is the final story, credits to the contributer.

Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness.

The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, 'Yes I'll do it if it will save her.'

As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, 'Will I start to die right away?'

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her but he had chosen to save her anyway.

Now what can we learn from this story? Such a young innocent boy, yet with a heart of gold. As I thought, when will we ever have a heart of gold like his?

We can actually start developing this heart through our daily actions. Think about the little little things we can do that will have an end result of peace and contentment in ourselves. Although at times we hesistate to do them, but in the end we had to do and why, you will feel satisfied completing them! Try it, this satisfaction cannot be earned anywhere else except in yourself.

If we all grow with this heart, the world will surely be a better place to live in. =)

-little cup-

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