Lately classes have been hectic.. Assignments deadlines creeping up! Quizes just around the corner! And exams in less than 20 days! O.o
And above all these 'loads', laziness comes in slyly... ah procrastination!
I used to not be lazy, well I try not to be. Homework must be done in time, no late submissions or excuses whatsoever. Then motivation is important in order to keep the hands and brain working to finish the works..
Now..things have changed. The body seems to laze around more than it used to. And the brain has slowed down, more like decelerated. Oh blame the environment!
All the same, things that has to be done must be done. Assignments must be completed in due time... so NO procrastination! Only self-discipline can help oneself to be organized.
Somehow prayer helps when you lose focus while doing work. =)
-little cup-
Hmmm, procrastination. simply yet destructive.
haha, very true.
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