Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rising Nerves

Usually I won't publish here what's going on at this very moment I am typing now.. but this post is exceptional. I'll just dump what's in me right here, right now. Just ignore me.

I'm getting very annoyed.

My laptop's urgh killing my patience. I can't help getting you for such a reasonable bargain and yet you befriend me this way. Reformatted you TWICE when I only had you for less than 8 months??!! Keyboard went haywire, lousy genuine test thing, keep swallowing my data, blocking my task manager, stupid viruses coming in even with kaspersky, lagging my head off. Ugh.

And one more. Eat my Adobe now I can't get my assignments done. Installed yet you stupidly refuse to accept such good offer! Kept corrupting my files! And still continue to lag my nerves till it got loose.. Strangle you!



Write about it also no use. Later this laptop angry shut down by itself, don't want to publish this post. What's wrong....??? Sigh.

Is it just me, or are things around me just happen to make me get irritated easily. With the end of my job in near future, and more work piling up for college now that deadlines are near and assignments not really done.... and there's an increase in demand for more service, for.. ahh. I'll just keep quiet.

Ever since that day, I have wanted to really go for it. Apparently all the CONS started coming in once I voiced out. This la, that la. Later this, later that. You cannot this, you cannot that. Ugh. Stupid la. Haih. Why. Of all times!

Then there's ... ah forget it.


Say also no use. Won't make the world change. Apparently spilling out now and then to others already. Sigh. This shouldn't be happening.

Someone. Take it off.

Give me a break.

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