Friday, September 11, 2009


I am now in my office tearing stamps. About 500 of them. As I tore them one by one, I realised I won't be doing it much longer - I am just a temporary staff here.

Things in life are also just temporary. This life of ours - though we avoid talking about it - is also temporary. We come, and we leave. All the things in life are temporary in the sense that we cannot have them with us when we leave one day.

Simple example, when one moves from an old house to a new house for whatever reason, it is a change in life. The house that we had to move from, is just a temporary shelter. We can buy the biggest house with the highest ceiling (not discouraging you from getting big houses, get them if you can afford :D) but those big houses, large pieces of land and mountains of gold we unfortunately use them just for now. Surely we can't bring them to our graves, and even if we could, someone else would take them away.

Leaving a "temporary" item or being or whatever is it, requires adaptation to a new scene. The changes that we undergo are never easy, anyone could say that. I'm sure you have experienced leaving something or someone and struggle in making the adjustments too, at least once. :)

Since nothing concrete is permanent, let's be open to changes and movement.

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