Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Many times we complain. We grumble when things don't happen the way we want them to, or that they just don't satisfy us. We humans love to be loved, to be satisfied. But most times we get dissatisfied. What actually satisfies us?


I don't know about you, but I personally try not to be dissatisfied when things just walk the opposite direction to mine. It is hard yes, especially when you live such a good life as compared to those out there homeless, food-less, and what more to say internet-less and have no knowledge about computers at all.

I find myself working so hard to get things satisfied for others. Why? I have no answer for that. Perhaps it's just by nature that it happens that way in my flow of blood. Or maybe that's how I was brought up - a developmental effect?

Despite going through all that, I'm still not satisfied on my own part. What actually satisfies me, that's a question I'm longing for an answer. Without knowing what satisfies you, is like living a life without any goals to achieve. A dead living.

So what satisfies you?


Sophia said...

maybe slowly, you'll find yr own satisfaction in satisfying others. it's a gift and not everybody can do that and you've been using it well all this while:)

above all, remember that one person who satisfies and that he comes to us in many many different ways, so when you can't find him in one..don't worry! ;)

half empty cup said...

soph: ah, u know i know what you want me to know. :) thanks!