Monday, July 20, 2009


Blog has been rather quiet... because of the fact that everything's been just about deadlines and rushing rushing here and there.

So what's been going on?


Most of my days were spent in front of the computer screen, be it MS Word or Explorer or Media Player. So you can guess what I've been up to.

The days countdown to the big trip are reducing. Somehow problems start creeping out and miscommunications occur. Disappointments were there, but second chances were given.

Involvements have got to reduce for the time being, but it seems that the more I let go, the more new things come about and knock on my door. And these are no joke; all so challenging. I suppose that's how life moves circles. When you're done with one, you're up for another. You can either be going to face a new problem, or are facing one now, or just finished settling your problem. You can never run away from them..for they are meant to teach you something new each time. It's how you carry yourself when you face these scenarios that make a great difference on how 'stressful' you will live.

Exam's coming soon. It's been 2 months just like that. After the big Asian Session & Council (ASC) in St Lukas, and IYCS leaving us KYCS great memories, I sort of miss it. The rush. Thanks to this, I got to know more new friends, and old friends became even closer. Thank you Lord~ So, exam. What to say, I'm admitting when the going gets tough, I tend to slack.... *screams in desperation* Assignment to submit in few days, and yeah. *smile* (Oh no~)

Yesterday was spent at the ecumenical centre, whole day for the spiritual growth seminar conducted by Holy Cross Ministry. I would say I spent 14 hours out of home, and 10 hours on the laptop. I'm glad I survived the long hours with the tiny strain in my head.

So... that's about it. There are more events coming up. More BIG events..all of them. Hmm, may the good Lord continue to guide us in our daily living. :)

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