Monday, July 27, 2009


Today was first day of exam. I suppose things were ok except the fact that there were some annoying signs from the working parts.

All the same, on the way home today I stopped by the cake house to grab a long piece of raisin bread for grandma. At the same time, while leaving the place, was it just coincidence or God's plan; that I met a long-time-no-see good friend of mine who hardly came home for holidays and we hardly met ever since we last did. It's been a year, and my has she changed~!

Apparently, all I did was scream her name in the car and dad stopped in the middle of the road and wound down the window and I just screamed her name, and she screamed mine. It was in the hot sun, in the middle of the road, alongside busy coffee shops and next to the hectic roadside traffic. Imagine the people watching us.

We hugged and hugged, and just couldn't stop laughing at such 'coincidence'. And we made future plans.

So, my point for the day; was it just coincidence? Or was it planned?

For myself personally, many things happening in our life are planned. Think about it. Ever wondered why at times when we needed something we lacked, and the next moment, someone else comes with it? Or when we're rushing to a certain place and the traffic happens to be green all the way? Perhaps you would say, "Mine's red all the way!" Well, would you think in a way that if you rushed through the red lights, would it cause your life, or worse the lives of others?

Whether it is a belief or not, things do happen for a reason. Nothing is coincident unless you refuse to believe it is planned. So is it coincidence for you to read this post of mine? Or is it coincidence that we just happen to know each other as friends?


Cella said...

yes,i agree with you. things do happen for a reason. and everything in our life is surely carefully planned. (=

half empty cup said...

cella: yup. and the same goes for your drama team! and the reason for you getting sick is so you can get enough rest after all the hecticness! :D