Thursday, August 6, 2009


Everyone seems to be talking about it. Death toll rises daily, number of those infected is also increasing rapidly. Precationary steps must be taken to hopefully prevent the continuing spread of the deadly virus attacking the lungs.

Many schools were closed in Malaysia. Increasing number of higher learning institutions can be seen, and more and more people are getting worried? for once.

Travelling is a no-no. Going to public crowded areas is not encouraged. Masks are recommended. Perhaps getting a flu shot should be considered.

Why the sudden chaos anyway? How and why did it happen or spread in the very first place? I shiver to think of someone I know, or someone close to me lying in bed at the hospital quarantined. Such cold atmosphere, feeling all so lonely and rejected. I feel sorry for those whose family members were affected, those who left before us because of this pandemic.

What is the reason behind all these tears and sorrow, grief and mourning, worries and fears?

I might be exposing myself to such danger, but I pray all will be fine. Little do I want those around me to experience such downturn in their lives. All the same, always be careful I would say. Know your limits and take care of yourself, for no one else can do better than you yourself.

I suppose it's time to look at ourselves and think for others for once; for before you know it, I might be here today but gone tomorrow. At least live the best for today, now that the world is turning in such direction.

Have no regrets. :)

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